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Protection and processing of personal data

  1. The client’s personal data is processed in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.
  2. Lineashop.ee collects the Consumer’s personal information when creating the customer’s account and/or formalising an order.
  3. Processed personal data includes the Consumer’s name, e-mail address, mobile telephone number, and consumption preferences.
  4. Lineashop.ee uses personal data to provide services to the Consumer, for further development, and personalisation. Under the specified services, the sale of goods to Consumers through the Lineashop.ee web page and the organising of personalised offers should be kept in mind.
  5. By entering their data in the web shop and providing the corresponding confirmation, the Consumer grants the right to collect and process the Consumer’s personal data and to forward it to logistics partners for the delivery of the goods.
  6. Lineashop.ee has the right to use the Consumer’s permanent address to send the Consumer advertisements and other information.
  7. The Consumer has the right at any time to prohibit the collection and use of personal data, except if it is necessary to recover a claim arising from the contract or deliver the goods. Consent to using the above mentioned personal data cannot be rescinded retroactively.
  8. Using electronic personal data for the purposes of direct mail takes place only if the Consumer has granted permission to do so on the Lineashop.ee web page.
  9. Encrypted data communication with banks when paying for purchases ensures the security of the Consumer’s personal banking identifiers, to which the web shop does not have access.
  10. Lineashop.ee does not forward personal data collected on the Customer to third parties.